
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Boston, Wisdom, and Smoothies

So I haven't gotten around to cooking or baking lately since:
 1. Nick got his wisdom teeth out and making delicious food that he can't eat would be cruel and
 2. I've had a brand new puppy to chase around and make sure he knows to not eat my computer cords, go to the bathroom outside, and stay off the furniture. 
 It's two wonderful full-time jobs. 

But, I have to write and post how adorable our newest family member is!

Yes, we fell in love with him immediately and named him Boston. The day we picked him up Nick was wearing a shirt that I had given him the week I went to Maine and Massachusetts. I fell in love with the city and got him a "Boston" shirt. It also happened to be his birthday and I was missing it... and we thought it was unbearable to be apart for a week (haha, he joined the Navy a year later. We got used to it...) so it was one of his birthday gifts. Anyway, we were stopped for a pit stop on the way home from picking our pup up and throwing name ideas back and forth. While we walked, a guy shouted after Nick, "Boston, Yeah!" and pointed to his hat which had the Red Sox logo. Nick looked at me and we both knew it was the perfect name for our puppy. For some strange reason, it just had a ring to it and let me tell you now I can't imagine any other name on this dog! It suites him. He's so adorable, watching him fetch is honestly the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Anyway, enough of my rambling on... Nick's assigned to plenty of bed rest and aspirin so we need to make some nutritiously-filling soft food!

What I have been doing is making some protein smoothies, which is probably the best thing you can do for someone who can't chew... The oats balance out all the sugars from the fruit and powder. It's packed full of vitamins as well!

Our all-time favorite smoothie: Strawberry Mango Oat Smoothie

5 ice cubes
1/4 cup milk
1 scoop oats
1 mango
1 cup fresh strawberries
1 scoop vanilla protein powder

In your blender, add ingredients in order. Quickly increase speed and make sure all ingredients are blending. Blend for a minute and serve.
Makes two servings.

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